About Me

Jim Reed
Jim Reed

I was born and raised in West Virginia.  I attended Smoot School for 12 years before joining the Navy in 1964.  While some took a senior trip to exciting places, I was awarded an all-expense paid tour of much of the world, including Viet Nam.

That prepared me for a life of independence.  I have worked for myself for the last 40 years or so and have raised a family with my own sweat and labor.  I have two wonderful daughters; Sara and Cindy and four grandkids; Bobby, Alina, Trevor, and James.  Now I have five great grand children;  Emma, Carsten, Hunter, Jordan, and Tucker.  I also have one little darling great grandchild in Heaven named Cole.  He left us heartbroken at only 3 months old.

IMG_0015Here is a picture of Trevor, Sara, Bobby and Cindy.

Grandchildren & Great Ones


My Granddaughter Alina and her son Carsten.

Susan and James

My Grandson James hugging all over my sweetie Susan.